Ecoroof Genteng Metal ConstructionRoofsSheet Metal Work And Accessories For Roofs


Nama ProdukECOROOF Genteng Metal
MaterialZinc Aluminium Coating Synthetic Resin Primary Epoxy (roll coating system) Zinc Phosphate Zinc Aluminium Coating Base Steel
ECOROOF adalah jenis genteng metal desain minimalis tanpa finishing batuan dengan bahan dasar Zinc Aluminium Coating Synthetic Resin Primary Epoxy (roll coating system) Zinc Phosphate Zinc Aluminium Coating Base Steel tersedia dalam warna MC Sky Blue, MC Light Grey, MC Maroon, Mc Light Red, MC Green, Mac Dark Brown Dimensi : 1 x 5 Daun eff. 300 mm x 850 mm, 3,92 Pcs/m ² Ketebalan : 0.25 mm TCT - 0.35 mm TCT / 0.25 mm BMT - 0.35 mm BMT



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