Simonswerk- Tectus FurnitureFurniture Components And HardwareCabinet Hinges


Nama ProdukSIMONSWERK- Tectus
Tectus Concealed Hinge : TE 240 hinge, up to 132 lbs Tectus Concealed Hinge : TE 340 hinge, up to 176 lbs Tectus Concealed Hinge : TE 540 hinge, up to 264 lbs Tectus Concealed Hinge : TE 640 hinge, up to 440 lbs Tectus Concealed Hinge : TE 525 hinge, up to 220 lbs Tectus Hinges by Simonswerk Made in Germany, TECTUS® is the most comprehensive concealed hinge system for premium flush doors. Easily adjustable in 3-Dimensions, Simonswerk's TECTUS® hinges bring an unparalleled level of performance, precision and control over what has previously been a difficult detail to build and maintain. There is no other hinge system in the world that provides the solutions and easy on the eyes: for architects and designers choosing TECTUS® can make the difference between realizing your vision and having it remain just a vision.


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