
Somia Design Studio was founded in 2012 by Widiadnyana on a deep understanding of the environment and that of the Clients. In 2017 Ngurah Biantara joined Somia as a partner. Both Widi and Biantara graduated from Parahyangan Catholic University (UNPAR) in Bandung, Indonesia, with more than 20 years combined experience in architectural design. Prior to Somia, both Widi and Biantara had worked at PT Airmas Asri in Jakarta and in various offices in Singapore such as Surbana Jurong Pte Ltd, Andy Fisher Workshop, CPG Consultants, MKPL Architects Pte Ltd, Eco-Id Architects Pte Ltd, and Ong&Ong Pte Ltd. Since its founding, Somia has grown and is more significantly acclaimed through its projects and publications. Established as a design-oriented studio, the studio maintains its team in a limited size. Somia’s projects are typically concentrated in private residences, resorts, hotels, and other estate type commissions. A strong expression of materiality is present in our projects, stemming from a desire to research, innovate and adapt to its surrounding context and to the Client’s dream. Based in Bali, Somia has ventured throughout Indonesia with projects in Jakarta, Lampung, Labuan Bajo, Lombok, Bali, and other parts of Indonesia. At Somia, every day is never the same, and we love it.
Lingkup jasa yang ditawarkan

Eksterior interior


Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia

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