
We believe that architecture is not just a building, architecture is an art that can make people feel the space, enjoying the space, being one with nature, and also architecture reflects human feelings and dreams, it does inspire us in every single way. We believe that a good buildings coming from a good people and all the problems are solved by a good design. We provide design and build in Architecture and Interior , we focused on delivering innovative design solution and always exploring new technologies and method. We always adapt our scope to meet the needs of diverse clients.
Lingkup jasa yang ditawarkan

Desain interior| Desain Arsitektur| Desain booth| Desain Kamar| Desain and build| Wallpaper| Kitchen set| booth interior| Desain tampak| Desain Villa| Desain apartemen| Hotel and Resort| Architecture| Interior| Design and Build| Desain Logo| Logo| Kontraktor Interior| Kontraktor Arsitektur

Lingkup lokasi pelayanan
Bali | Jakarta | Pulau Lombok | Tangerang | Jambi | Nusa Tenggara Bar. | Kota Denpasar | Br. Sampalan | Nusa Lembongan | Gili Trawangan | Gili Meno | Gili Air | Medan | Bandung | Makasar | Kota Manado | Singapura | Indonesia |

Arsitek Madya IAI

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