Jasa kontraktor profesional, menyesuaikan desain rumah dan bangunan. Kami memiliki pengalaman luas baik untuk proyek berskala kecil maupun besar. Free RAB, Free Survey, Free desain(3d dan denah gambar), Menyesuaikan budget anda(fleksibel) dan bergaransi dari setiap pengerjaan proyek.
Read more >architect who act as a partner and medium for your ideal design
Read more >Architectur-Interior, Design Consultant & Interior Design. Bali - Jakarta
Read more >Parametr Indonesia (PI) adalah konsultan desain yang didirikan oleh Ario Andito, Harun Wisaksono dan Joffie Febriando. PI mempunyai pengalaman yang meyakinkan dalam merancang berbagai jenis tipe fungsi bangunan, dari Residensial, Hotel, Edukasi, Mixed Use udah High Rise Office. Dalam merencanakan PI menitikberatkan kepada keseimbangan fungsi dan cita rasa estetika, sehingga tercipta we judged desain yang mempunyai nilai tambah untuk klien dan lingkungan sekitarnya.
Read more >Architecture & Interior design. We Create Your Dreams for Keep Design Alive.
Read more >We are studio that is driven by creative minds. Supported by a team of young, artistic, and passionate architects, based in Bali. We understand that each property has a value. A long term investment, a business project, a lifetime savings. We design with our economical consideration. Involving a feasibility study, a strategic thinking, and a marketing communication. We ensure a great design for you. An extra value for your property. A good luck charm. A never ending benefit. We work to bring what you envisioned to life. Only then, there shall be a good life for the both of us.
Read more >Lumbung Architect is an Architectural Consultant in Bali that provides you architectural, structural, MEP drawings, and Landscape Design for buildings with great detailing and estimation. We are also able to help you organise your building project within Bali Area. The word "Lumbung" means barn, a Traditional Balinese and Javanese one. The structure of this building is an agricultural building used for storage and as a covered workplace usually to keep and store grain. The concept of Lumbung as a barn represents the knowledge that we store as an architect and engineer in order to order to provide you the best solution for your needs. This traditional barn has a unique roof design that stands for our unique team and designs. Our work ethics are not just adopted from "Form follows function" but also "the function follows needs".
Read more >Agara Architect merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang perencanaan arsitektur dan perencanaan desain interior. Dengan lingkup perencanaan yang berdiri di Denpasar, Bali. Kami memiliki visi dapat ikut berpartisipasi dalam membangun wajah ruang dan kota menjadi lebih baik, secara nasional maupun internasional. Fokus pada tujuan memaksimalkan dan memberikan yang terbaik dalam segi desain, fungsi serta harmonisasi diantara keduanya dan ikut menciptakan karya yang revolusioner bagi dunia kreatif khususnya arsitektur dan interior. "Kepuasan Desain adalah Prioritas Kami"
Read more >Studio Arch 78 merupakan suatu bidang usaha yang bergerak dalam Bidang Design & Build. Kami di dukung oleh team yg sudah berpengalaman. Jasa kami adalah : - Master plan - Design bangunan baik menggunakan bahan beton, Kayu, maupun bambu - Gambar IMB - Pengukuran lahan - Desain Interior klasik maupun modern - Bangun baru maupun Renovasi
Read more >We are a professional IAI (Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia - Indonesian Institue of Architects) licensed & certified architect company based in Bali. First established in 2007 by the name of Ruang Inspirasi, in 2009 the company was having a business partnership with seriously designed, and finally in 2012 re-established it's branding to SKYLIGHT architecture. The SKYLIGHT architecture name was chosen because we as an architectural firm always design towards the nature especially the SKY. We believe as all people in this world even they live in different soil, breath different air, use different kind of water, but always connected with the same sky, that is why in our design we always try our hardest to get the sky come into the eyes of the poeple who live inside in every room, and light is a key element in our design. Capturing the SKYLIGHT is our major purpose in design.
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